Queen's Duel


Welcome to Queen's Duel! In this game, two players (white and black) control queens on opposite sides of a chessboard. The objective is to block the opponent's queen by strategically moving and shooting arrows.


  1. Players take turns moving their queen according to chess queen movement rules.
  2. After moving, the player shoots an arrow in a straight line from the queen's new position, following the queen's movement rules. The square where the arrow lands becomes blocked.
  3. Blocked squares cannot be moved through or shot over.
  4. A player wins if the opponent's queen is blocked and has no valid moves, or if the opponent has no valid squares to shoot after moving.
  5. If a player cannot make a valid move on their turn, they lose the game.

Turn and Action Information:
The current player's turn and the expected action (move or shoot) are displayed below the board. Follow the instructions to make your move.